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The Battle is the Lord's

Lori Adams

I have a question for you.....

Are you fighting battles the Lord has already won?

Stop and think about that before you read anymore.....

(insert Jeopardy music 🎵 😉)

There's a story in the Old Testament that I love. It's found in 2 Chronicles 20. In a nutshell, this is what's happening. "The chapter surrounds the nation of Moab and Ammon; they and some others decided to fight against the kingdom of Judah." King Jehoshaphat is worried and afraid when he hears this news. However, instead of letting fear and worry overtake him, King Jehoshaphat takes his concerns to the Lord and proclaims a time of prayer and fasting for all the people of Judah. He cries out in worship and reminds the Lord of His promises made to the descendants of Abraham. As all of Judah stood before the Lord, the Spirit of God came upon a Levite priest named Jahaziel, who began to prophesy, and here's a part of what he said.....

2 Chronicles 20:17 (NLT)

But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord's victory. He is with you...

Wow, what a prophecy. I don't know about you but I would be ecstatic to hear that plan of "attack" for battle. How about you?

*You don't even need to fight

*Take your positions

*Stand still

*Watch the Lord's Victory

*The Lord is with you

Can I get an amen!!!!

That's the story in context and context matters. But all throughout the Bible the Lord reminds us He is our defender and He is with us. He will fight for us. And the proof is in the greatest battle of all that He fought for you and me over two thousand years ago. It was the battle over sin and death. He accomplished and won that battle by sending His one and only Son to die on the cross for you and me. Oh, what love!

1 Corinthians 15:56-57

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are a child of God, you need to remind yourself daily that the greatest battle of all has already been won. You no longer need to fight. But you DO have a part to play.

*Take your position.

Well, what is that you might be asking? It's all about the posture of your heart. Is your heart humble and surrendered daily before the Lord? Are you seeking and loving Him with all your heart? That proper heart posture puts you in the right position to stand still and see the victory of the Lord take place because He is with you. Especially in the heat of battle.

Worship is a great heart posture and position as well. Make sure you are worshipping the One true God who gives you victory over all things. Let your daily worship be your battle cry!

"Worship is an act of war against the enemy of our hearts."

Every day you are alive here on planet Earth is another day to lay your burdens and battles at the foot of the Cross and remind yourself that Jesus paid it all. The victory belongs to the Lord and because you are His child, you've ALREADY WON!



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