I would consider it a true honor
and blessing if you decide to partner with me on this journey.
My goal and prayer is to reach as many women as possible who truly desire to have a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus. And to never feel alone on the journey.
Here is what your financial support would help achieve. Each of these items is crucial in promoting and maintaining a thriving community.
♥ The costs associated with maintaining and expanding our online community
♥ Promote and maintain the Website and Stirring Hearts Podcast
♥ Create material that enables women to know Jesus on a deeper level (ie Bible Studies, Newsletter)
"To hear the words of Jesus is to understand the heart of God."
Another way you can support this community is through prayer. This is where it all began for me, on my knees, in prayer. Prayer is a powerful weapon. It can change the trajectory of a person's life. Your prayers for Stirring Hearts would be a true gift. As we come together as a community of women both financially and in prayer, I truly believe we can impact the Kingdom of God in a mighty and powerful way.
"To pray is to seek God's heart."
This community belongs to the Lord. I have complete faith He will build it as He wills.
May He be glorified in every way.
Better Together,